2010年12月27日 星期一



The US contributions to the Colombian tale of horrors date back to the Kennedy administration. One of the most significant legacies of the Kennedy administration was its 1962 decision to shift the mission of the Latin American military from “hemispheric defense” to “internal security,” while providing the means and training to carry out the task. As described by Charles Maechling, who led counterinsurgency and internal defense planning from 1961 to 1966, that historic decision led to a change from toleration “of the rapacity and cruelty of the Latin American military” to “direct complicity” in “the methods of Heinrich Himmler’s extermination squads.” The aftermath need not to be reviewed. The consequences persist even after state terror has achieved its immediate goals. A Jesuit-sponsored conference in San Salvador in 1944 took particular note of the efficacy of the residual “culture of terror in domesticating the expectations of the majority vis-à-vis alternatives different to those of the powerful,” a powerful force, buttressed with ample historical memory and current evidence.11

美國對於哥倫比亞駭人歷史的貢獻,可以回溯到甘迺迪政府時期。甘乃迪政府所留下最重要的痕跡,是在一九六二年決定將拉丁美洲軍事任務的磯釣,從「半球防禦」(hemispheric defense)轉為「內部安全」 (internal security),但是仍然提供完成這個任務的物資與訓練。如同梅奇林(Charles Maechling)所描述的,他在一九六一年到一九六六年期間,負責反叛亂與國內防衛計畫,這是一個歷史性的決策,造成從容忍「拉丁美洲軍事政權的貪念與殘暴」到「根據希姆來(Heinrich Himmler)種族滅絕小組採取的方式」,「朝向直接的共謀」轉變。轉變的後果無須加以回顧。即便國家的恐怖行動已經達成眼前的目標,這些行動所造成的後果卻是無法抹滅的。一場由耶穌會贊助的會談,在一九九四年於薩爾瓦多開議,會中提出一項特別的註解,表示殘存的「恐怖文化」有效的「馴化期待有別於這些暴力政權之替代物的民眾,一股龐大的勢力,是藉由豐富的歷史記憶與當前的證據所支撐。

