Uusurprisingly, the US assault became considerably harsher after the USSR disappeared from the scene. The measures have been near-universally condemned: by thr UN, the Uropean Union, the Organization of American States(OAS), and its judicial body, the Inter-American Juridical Committee, which ruled unanimously that they violate international law, as did the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Few Doubt that they would also be condemned by the World Trade Organization(WTO), but Washington has made it clear that it would disregared any WTO ruling, keeping to the rogue state principle.
一點也不讓人感到驚訝地,在蘇聯解體並淡出世界舞台之後,美國的暴行變得更加凌厲。這些做為受到幾乎全球的譴責:包括聯合國、歐洲聯盟(Uropean Union)、美洲國家組織(Organization of Ameriucan States, OAS),及其仲裁機構─美洲司法委員會(Inter-American Juridical Committee)在內的這些組織一致認為美國的行為違反了國際法,美洲人權委員會也做如是觀。毫無疑問的,美國的作為也引起世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)的責難,但是華府方面明白表示美國不需要遵守任何世貿組織的規範,繼續維持它流氓國家的原則。(流7,待續)
這一段,林譯除了一兩個單字理解錯誤,另有一個句子理解略有差錯之外,大致上意思表達算是正確。"Few doubt that they would also be condemned by the World Trade Organization"並不是「...也引起世界貿易組織的責難」,而是「...也會引起...」;原文未「肯定」,但譯文卻譯成肯定的口氣。(流7,待續)